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Glass Joint Sizes and Genders Are a Vital Part of Buying Bowl Pieces and Nails | Marijuana Packaging
Bong Bowls

Glass Joint Sizes and Genders Are a Vital Part of Buying Bowl Pieces and Nails

In most cases, when you buy your first water pipe or wax rig, an accommodating bowl piece, nail, or banger is included. For months (maybe even years depending on how much you smoke), you may not ha...

smoke shop supplyBest Herb Grinder Excuses for Nosy Guests

Best Herb Grinder Excuses for Nosy Guests

Many of us have the luxury of smoking without prying eyes. But some of us have to contend with unexpected guests, nosy neighbors, and landlord visits. With some preparation, you can easily get ...

marijuana researchStoner Couples Enjoy Unique Relationship Benefits

Stoner Couples Enjoy Unique Relationship Benefits

As it turns out, stoner couples are the recipients of more than just the physical and emotional benefits of marijuana. A recent study indicates that stoner couples have stronger and longer lasting...

cannabisMarijuana for Insomnia Eases Stress for Restful Nights

Marijuana for Insomnia Eases Stress for Restful Nights

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of suffering from insomnia, then you’re aware it’s a particularly stressful condition. As the hours go by while you toss and turn and daylight slowly approache...

cannabisCannabinoids Occur Naturally in Several Plants Besides Cannabis

Cannabinoids Occur Naturally in Several Plants Besides Cannabis

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) occurs naturally in human and animal bodies as a network of cell receptors and corresponding molecules. It regulates many of the body’s functions, including sle...

cannabisBest Places to Smoke Weed While Enjoying Nature are 420 Friendly Campsites

Best Places to Smoke Weed While Enjoying Nature are 420 Friendly Campsites

When it comes to the great outdoors, smoking marijuana seems entirely natural. It’s a plant that’s been used for thousands of years with a ton of medicinal properties. But even out in the wilde...

420Stoner Games: 7 Ways To Stay Entertained on Hazy Nights

Stoner Games: 7 Ways To Stay Entertained on Hazy Nights

Being high is often fun in and of itself but for a social evening of laughs and strategy, stoner games can deliver the best entertainment in town. These stoner games are often based on other ga...