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Marijuana Products Face Rigorous Scrutiny in Federal Trademarking
marijuana business

Marijuana Products Face Rigorous Scrutiny in Federal Trademarking

Marijuana legalization in the Golden State momentarily felt like the golden dawn of weed reform. Then the new ultra-conservative Department of Justice made its presence known, not quite raining on...

cannabisHow to Use Cannabis Branding to Promote Your Business

How to Use Cannabis Branding to Promote Your Business

Cannabis branding for a marijuana business has unique challenges but it's a necessary step for making your company rise above the competition.

cannabisWhat You Need to Include in Your Cannabis Business Plan

What You Need to Include in Your Cannabis Business Plan

A business plan is essential in setting your cannabis company apart from competitors in the eyes of potential investors.

DispensaryThe Best Ways to Get Your Hands on Free CCELL Cartridges

The Best Ways to Get Your Hands on Free CCELL Cartridges

Free CCELL cartridges aren't easy to come by, but the right tactic can result in success.

BroccoliMarijuana High Increased with These 6 Foods | Marijuana Packaging

Marijuana High Increased with These 6 Foods

As the popularity of marijuana continues to grow and prohibition slowly fades into the past, there are more and more people looking for ways to enhance and improve the quality of their high. With h...

Benefits of WeedDo Marijuana Benefits Include Hair Growth? | Marijuana Packaging

Do Marijuana Benefits Include Hair Growth?

We have really only just begun to scratch the surface of our knowledge about marijuana. For such a long period of time it has been attached to a negative stigma and been illegal, which has frighten...

glass pipesHow Are Glow-in-the-Dark Pipes Made?

How Are Glow-in-the-Dark Pipes Made?

Glow-in-the-dark pipes make great gifts but how do they get that ethereal glow?