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Sherlock Pipe Case 101: Do You Have What it Takes to Rock a Sherlock
Cool Pipe

Sherlock Pipe Case 101: Do You Have What it Takes to Rock a Sherlock

You’ve seen them in the smoke shops and you’ve seen them on the silver screen but can you see yourself in the mirror with a Sherlock Holmes pipe? No doubt it’s a bold statement which has resulted i...

cannabisGuessing Your Personality Through the Different Ways to Smoke Weed

Guessing Your Personality Through the Different Ways to Smoke Weed

Okay, real talk, no one can really tell anything about you for sure based on the way you like to get lifted. But just for a bit of fun, we decided to put our shrink caps on and try out a little...

glass pipesHoneycomb Perc to Diffused Downstem: Finding Your Perfect Diffusion Solution

Honeycomb Perc to Diffused Downstem: Finding Your Perfect Diffusion Solution

When the global economic crisis was nipping at my wallet extra hard, I was known to carry a metal one-hitter in my pocket at all times. Needless to say, I wasn’t afraid of a harsh smoking exper...