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20 Dram Reversible Cap Vials

Our 20 dram prescription bottles for medical marijuana packaging are child resistant. Shop 20 dram pill bottles with custom options for colors and labels.


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Child Resistant | Green Reversible Cap Vials | 20dr - 3.5g - 240 Count - 1Child Resistant | Green Reversible Cap Vials | 20dr - 3.5g - 240 Count - 2

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Child Resistant | Purple Reversible Cap Vials | 20dr - 3.5g - 240 Count - 1Child Resistant | Purple Reversible Cap Vials | 20dr - 3.5g - 240 Count - 2

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Child Resistant | Opaque Gold Blank Cap Reversible Vials | 20dr - 3.5g - 240 Count - 1Child Resistant | Opaque Gold Blank Cap Reversible Vials | 20dr - 3.5g - 240 Count - 2

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20 Dram Vial

When it comes to effective packaging and branding of cannabis products wholesale, marijuana suppliers are never out of options. 20 dram vials are specially designed for packaging medical marijuana.

Some states also still allow dispensaries to package marijuana for consumers on the spot. In those cases, 20 dram vials for cannabis are perfect.


What Are 20 Dram Vials?

A vial is a container made using glass or plastic materials. It is used for different wholesale marijuana packaging. A dram, on the other hand, is a unit of measurement with its etymology traced back to ancient Greece. It represents a unit of volume ― 1 dram is considered as being equal to 0.75 teaspoons.

20 dram vials, therefore, are equivalent to 15 teaspoons of liquid. 20 dram pill bottles can be used to package cannabis capsules, marijuana flower, and some forms of concentrates.

Parts of 20 Dram Vials

Generally, 20 dram prescription bottles consist of three parts namely;

  • Thread: It is located at the top of prescription bottles and powers the thread mechanism.
  • Neck: This is the upper portion of the vial where the thread is located.
  • Body: The body of pill bottles can be customized in different shapes and colors to suit the branding of wholesale cannabis products.

Aside from 20 dram vials, there are other types of vials in different drams such as 8, 13, 16, 20, 30, 40, and 60 dram. They may also be customized.


Does My Business Need 20 Dram Vials?

Not every cannabis supplier would require the use of 20 dram vials. It is natural for your company to ask whether you would need one or not. However, if you’re on this page, you most likely need some!

Below are some of the reasons why your business may need 20 dram vials.


The use of vials helps set your product apart from competitors. MJ packaging offers customized 20 dram vials to suit your need.

Convenience and Ease of Movement

Dram vials are easy to move around while their design allows for ease of access to the marijuana content.

Law Compliance

Some pharmaceutical local laws require packaging to possess specific features. Our 20 dram pill bottles are child resistant to safeguard unsupervised access by children.

Accuracy in Measurement

Accuracy in measurement is paramount for medical marijuana. The use of 20 dram vials guarantees this preciseness.


Where To Buy 20 Dram Prescription Bottles Wholesale

Purchasing 20 dram pill bottles is now easier than ever. In the comfort of your home, you can order 20 dram pill bottles for cannabis packaging on our site. Meanwhile, whenever you are considering a supplier of 20 dram prescription bottles, watch out for the following:


Check out different suppliers and compare their prices to settle for the best that will not skyrocket your cost of production. However, we have a price beat guarantee.


Read through the product reviews. How does the previous customer feel about it? This is one of the ways to gauge what awaits you.


The cost of delivery should not exponentially increase the total cost of wholesale marijuana packaging.


Marijuana Packaging has varieties of the pill bottle you can choose from.

20 Dram Vials - The Bottom Line

The use of marijuana for the treatment of chronic ailments has made cannabis demand increase more than ever and thus the need for proper packaging ― compliant packaging. Our 20 dram vials are compliant and perfect for all your medical marijuana needs. We also offer a prescription bottle for medical marijuana.

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