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The Usefulness of QR Codes in Cannabis Packaging

The Usefulness of QR Codes in Cannabis Packaging

When the pandemic hit, there was a digital revolution. Restaurants, bars, cannabis shops, spas, and various establishments had to figure out how to minimize contact between staff and customers while providing the same services. QR menus became the norm. The service industry began providing these codes to provide all pertinent information in one place that customers can access with the QR scanner that most phones have. 

QR codes certainly aren’t anything new. These matrix barcodes have appeared on posters, flyers, storefronts, and advertisements, but their use in the cannabis industry has undoubtedly helped business owners. The marketing aspect of QR codes has indeed become an incredible help, but there’s also the critical aspect of providing non-physical menus at storefronts. 

However, using QR codes on custom mylar bags and other packaging is one of the most convenient tools for customers and operators. In 2020, Utah, Indiana, and Oregon introduced mandatory product QR codes. The barcode allows users and regulators to scan a product which will then redirect to a website where information surrounding the strain and ingredients are available, among other statistics. 

As the cannabis industry pushes forward with QR codes, we will discuss how they can benefit your business.

What Is A QR Code?

A QR code bears similarity to your average barcode except it is made up of black-and-white square pixels that redirect the user to a URL when scanned through a smartphone’s camera. Though its invention came in the 90s, they surged when smartphones became widespread worldwide. Apple first integrated QR code scanners on the cameras of the iPhone, which quickly led Samsung to follow suit with Android products. Though they started popularizing in the early 2010s, their prominence diminished before resurging during the pandemic. A small barcode is a powerful tool that provides access to your database. 

QR Codes For Cannabis Packaging

With the rise of CBD products, it’s become normal to see QR codes included in cannabis packaging designs. This became a valuable solution for brands to adhere to compliance regulations while giving customers quick access to the product’s information. Cannabis packaging, like custom packaging for edibles, already includes information like THC levels and expiration date, though it can be challenging to read on small packaging. With QR codes, operators can redirect their customers to a website where they can access information surrounding THC percentages, testing credentials, and so much more. Additionally, customers will be able to find information such as supplement fact panel, net weight, name of the manufacturer, and batch numbers and data codes. Ultimately, using QR packaging for cannabis is an excellent solution that’s also become mandatory for businesses.

Though providing a QR code on custom-branded pre-roll joint packaging will help customers identify their product, it also allows brands to drive traffic to their online shop. A QR code can redirect users to a landing page where you can provide information on your shop, including menu items and promotions. 

How Can I Make A QR Code For Cannabis Packaging?

First, you’ll want to ensure the QR code stands next to the actual bar code. It’s imperative to emphasize accessibility to your products among your customer base. However, QR code remains an open source, which makes it easy for anyone to make. Several websites are available that will help develop QR Codes for your business in minutes, if not seconds. In just moments, you can develop a strong, secure code that gives customers access to all the information they’re seeking on your products.

QR Codes For Compliance

Laws surrounding QR codes differ from state to state. As cannabis remains federally illegal, there isn’t a widespread shift in regulations that demands all operators to include these unique barcodes. However, states like Indiana, Texas, Utah, Florida, New York, and Oregon have enforced laws for operators to include QR codes on hemp product labels, whether customized cannabis jars or other forms of packaging. Meanwhile, California requires all legal dispensaries to have QR codes before their storefront to verify their certificates easily. A tool like this assures customers that they’re supporting a legal business while providing law enforcement with a mechanism to identify unlawful retail stores quickly. Though it’s a minor adjustment for businesses, it makes a considerable change for operators and customers alike.


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