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Marijuana Packaging's Holiday Gift Guide 2018
dab rigs

Marijuana Packaging's Holiday Gift Guide 2018

The Winter Wonderland never looked as green as it does in 2018 with so many states (and our neighbors to the north, Canada) legalizing recreational cannabis this year. It’s the perfect time to sha...

ConcentratesHow to Use a Dab Straw | Marijuana Packaging

How to Use a Dab Straw

The world of dabbing just keeps expanding with more and more devices to better the already fantastic experience. A relatively new device that has been circulating for the past year or so is the ver...

dab rigsQFZ Carb Cap Technology Raises Dabbing to the Flavor Zone

QFZ Carb Cap Technology Raises Dabbing to the Flavor Zone

It may be a generalization but dabbing is a corner of the vast world of weed that tends to attract the thrill seekers. It’s common sense that the most extreme form of cannabis consumption would...

dab rigsRemember the Rules of Etiquette When Using Your Dab Oil Rig

Remember the Rules of Etiquette When Using Your Dab Oil Rig

Dabbing, like everything else, has its own set of rules and engagement. There is etiquette that can change the whole experience of sharing a dab. Setting up a concentrate, lighting the nail and...

dab rigsElectric Dab Nail Features Allow for an Easier Wax Dabbing Experience

Electric Dab Nail Features Allow for an Easier Wax Dabbing Experience

I wouldn’t necessarily consider dabbing a risky activity but there are definitely factors that can result in a less-than-stellar dabbing experience, especially for those who are new to it. Most...

dab rigsDab Kit Convenience May Be Appealing but What Can You Expect it to Include?

Dab Kit Convenience May Be Appealing but What Can You Expect it to Include?

You’ve maybe heard the term dab kit thrown around and, while it’s immediately obvious that a kit is built around a dab rig, the rest of the kit may be a bit more uncertain. A kit can be a conve...

dab rigsDomeless Nail Seasoning Tips to Make Your Dab Flavor Pop

Domeless Nail Seasoning Tips to Make Your Dab Flavor Pop

If you’re new to the whole dabbing experience, you may not realize that when you first buy a titanium or quartz nail, you need to season your nail. I pretty much exclusively use a domeless nail...